Welcome to Legacy Roleplay Bangladesh
Legacy Roleplay Bangladesh's New Player Guide
Welcome to the New Players Guide on how to properly play and get started in the Legacy Roleplay Servers.​
Required Essentials Before Reading On:
Before moving on with the guide it is important to understand the following.
You need to have:
A working microphone.
Basic knowledge of what roleplay is.
Decided on a Character Background.
Know what the following is:
Combat Login
Fail RP
Fear RP
You can find the answer to these questions in our Server Rules
Before Logging Into The Server:
Before you go ahead and get into the server it is essential to know some of the basic controls and key binds. Below is a list of useful key binds that can also be found on our Discord.
P = Phone
K = Inventory
/emote or /e = Animations
/trunk = Access vehicle inventory
U = See players online and player ids
R = Reload
F = Enter/exit Vehicle
E = Interact
C = Look behind you
V = Go into first/third person
L = Lock/unlock vehicle
N = Default push-to-talk button
Y = Change voice range
Ctrl = Crouch
Z = Prone
1-5 = Use items in your hot bar
H = Headlights
E = Horn
/engine = Toggle engine
/door 1-6
/window 1-6
Z = Cruise Control
B = Seat belt
/ooc = Out of character chat for technical problems.
/oocl = Local out of character for specific situation.
/me = Display an action you are doing, i.e. /me performs cpr
/report = Report a player or situation to staff (Include player ids if possible)
Once you have covered the basics of understanding the rules and key binds you may now go ahead and hop into one of our servers!
Logging Into The Server:
Logging into the Legacy Server you will see 4 empty character slots. Press one and then click play. This will prompt the creation of a new character and from this point, you start your new life.

You will then be prompted with the character detail menu where you will get to choose your character name, sex, date of birth, and Character backstory. Choose wisely you will only be able to choose this once!

When your character backstory is finally done, it's now time to enter the city and start building your character.
Character Appearance:
Upon entering the city you will be prompted with a menu to change the look of your character to your liking. There are 2 important things you need to keep in mind while creating your character.
If you decide to select a non-playable character (Anything other then multiplayer models, aka NPC) as your main character you will have a limited wardrobe and will not be able to put on a mask or any other accessories.
Press "G" when done to save your character.

If you accidentally press "G" and you are not finished, please use /report and ask for a reskin, by detailing to Staff members what has just happened.
If at any point you would like to change your clothing you can visit a clothing store to do so!
Getting Started:
When you finish your character you will notice that you spawn at the airport and that you will need to make your way into the city. At this point you have 3 options.
Walk (No risk, Slow)
Get a friend to pick you up (Low risk, Fast)
Hotwire a vehicle (High Risk, Fast)
Without a lockpick, it is normal to fail a few hotwires. Be patient and don't get caught as you could end up in jail on your first day.

Now that you have managed to make your way into the city you will want to acquire a few items.
Stores and supplies:
When reaching the city you will want to locate a convenience store to obtain a few important supplies.

When you arrive at the convenience store you will be prompted with a menu option to purchase goods. We suggest acquiring a phone, a few sandwiches, a few water bottles, and some first aid kits to start off with. Be warned, some stores do not have ATMs so you may not have access to any money. If that is the case, try a different store for now.
If you end up needing more cash you can take some out of your bank at any ATM. ("/cash" to view your cash and "/bank" to view your bank, there's also an app on your mobile phone - see below).

Now that you have a phone, you will need to learn a few things before you can go ahead and use it.
Cellular Device:
Your phone is one of the most useful things in the Legacy server. You can contact emergency services, access twitter, call your friends, and a few other features. To access the phone you will want to press "P".
A first look at the phone and a list of all the applications on your phone, visible by tapping the bottom most button on the home screen.

Twitter: Your basic news/community feed where people can post public messages.
Phone: Can be used to contact emergency services in the favourites tab and call others.
Messages: Can be used to text numbers and send your GPS coordinates.
Contacts: Used to save phone numbers. You can also text someone from this application.
Settings: View your phone number and change phone settings.
Bank: Used to view how much money you have in the bank.
Stock Market: Nothing to see here yet.
Camera: Use your camera. You can zoom in by scrolling or even take a selfie by hitting the up-arrow on your keyboard!
Dark Chat: A secret way to have a group conversation.
9GAG: Have a look at a few memes! To look at the next picture, hit the right arrow key on your keyboard. To go back, hit the left arrow key on your keyboard.
Twitter Login and the Setting Application
You have almost all the supplies you will need to start your adventure. Let's make sure you have everything you should have.
ID Card:
The ID card is extremely important as well to make sure you do not get in trouble with the law. The ID card will count as your driver's license, your firearm license, and your personal identifier. It can be acquired at the courthouse located near the pillbox hospital.
You can view and show your ID by pressing "K" and dragging the ID icon to the use button. (This is how you use most of the items in your inventory.)
To Use Items, click and drag to use or press one of your hotkeys of 1-5:

Now that you have all your supplies it's now time to get a job and acquire some money so you can buy your own car and apartment!
Getting a Job:
To get your first job you will need to make your way to the Life Invader building. You will have a few jobs you can choose from. Some of them will pay better than others. Check out the Basic Job Guide for help with any of the jobs.

Some jobs will not be available for you to get at Life Invader and will require you to apply to them through the Applications in the forms section.